Gorshkov Evgeny Vladimirovich, date of birth - 1974, education - primary professional (the student of the fourth year) of the “Saint – Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences”, specialty “folk artistic creation”, specialization “ballet-master and a teacher of modern and jazz dance”. The time spent on pedagogical work: as a ballet-master (2 years 8 months), as a teacher of additional education - (4 years 4 months).
The salary has been paid according to the grade 12 of the /UDOT/ United Distribution of Tariffs since 12. 03. 2004 (holder of the II qualification grade, order No.18 л/c).
Gorshkov Evgeny Vladimirovich has been holding the post of a ballet-master and the head of the dance theatre “Domino” since 1997; he has been worked at the post of the teacher of additional education since 2002.
Having analyzed the work of the teacher of additional education, the members of experts’ group gave the appreciation of the professional work of Gorshkov E. V.
Evgeny Vladimirovich in the system improves his qualification through the ballet-masters’ and the leaders of choreographic collectives’ seminar and practical works: “Main directions in modern choreography”, Sever Uralsk 2002 - 50 hours, Arkhangelsk 2003 - 45 hours.
Gorshkov Evgeny Vladimirovich conducts the studying of the main directions in modern choreography on the principles of his own author’s educational programme “Modern choreography” (he is the author and the founder of this programme), which includes practical and theoretical instructions, contains the disciplines of research and experimental characters: contemporary dance, dance improvisation, art-therapy, which is the Holder of the Diploma of Authors’ Programmes Regional Competition, 2004.
The teacher can define aims and tasks of the children’s collective work, define the contest and the forms of work, what make it possible to organize educational process competently and work in the mode of development.
An average size of the collective for the latest five years is stable. The age spectrum of pupils is 6-18 years. The collective’s activities are organized on the principles of succession. The dance collective “Domino” is called for the children’s population of the town, pupils’ parents.
Gorshkov Evgeny Vladimirovich has a great creative potential. During the period of 2000-2006 about 30 choreographic miniatures and one-act ballets of modern dance have been staged by him: 2000 - “Man of crowd”, “Drug”, 2001 - “Form of life”, “Black square” 2002 - “Elections”, “By eyes”, 2003 - “Virus”, “Not Serious”, 2004 - “Organization”, “Is Hot”, 2005 - “Place of reside”, “The Bermuda triangle”, 2006 - “Forcing bed”.
The using of modern technical means, selection of music, stage sets and scenic costumes make it possible for the collective to develop in the mode of stability, to have its own creative manner (individuality).
The teaching experience on the subject: “Modern dance as the mean of harmonization and development of the individual” was performed by the teacher in the course of regional seminar within the framework of the additional education teachers’ courses “The propagation of activities of the House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma in the development of child’s creative potential (march, 2004).
Gorshkov E. V. – is the participant of the project of competitions of The Nordic Council of Ministries in 2002 and 2005, where he received the grant on the programmes “Sleipner” and “Plan of work with the children and youth”, and with the dance theatre “Domino” he was invited to Finland to the “Full Moon Dance” festival.
The collective realizes the exchanging of practical results of activities through the organization of solo concert programmes in honor of the town’s and collective’s memorable dates. Concert programmes: “Domino in XXI century” (2000), “Creative laboratory” (2002),
“Commemoration of international Dance Day” (2004, 2 days) has been organized during 2000-2005.
The official collective’s site in the Internet, created with the assistance of producer of the House of Dance from Germany, facilitates the spreading of the theatre’s creative connections geography.
The results of “the teacher and the pupil” creative union are displayed in the collective’s achievements. “The Domino” dance theatre is the winner of dance competitions, the holder of the twelfths folder of Grand Prix in the festivals of Russian and international levels of modern choreography: (Russian festival of modern choreography “Class”, Sever Uralsk 2002. International festival of modern choreography of dance “Isidore”, Krasnoyarsk 2002. Russian festival of modern dance “Lisa”, Saransk 2005 + the prize of audiences’ affections. International festival of children’s creative work “In the world of dance”, Sochi 2005, “Full Moon Dance”, Finland 2005). The collective is also invited to take part in the invitational programs to the festivals of modern dance: Moscow, Saransk (Russian level), Arkhangelsk (international level).
The results of open studies visiting show the teacher uses and combines different methods of studying. He actively uses the method of problematical studying in the studying process, ensures the individual work with pupils in the constructive way. At the lessons he uses different complex of generally-developing exercises, which includes the complex of author’s technique elements, and also the combinations on the intercommunication of choreography with the acrobatics and gymnastics. Evgeny Vladimirovich supplements and develops the main directions in modern choreography in the improvisation technique and in the actor’s mastery technique. The studying of the improvisation provides pupils knowledge, skills and abilities in the original acting of any dance character through the independent plastic decision; the studying of actor’s mastery provides the acquiring skills of the work on the character, on the details of internal and external typicality of the dance character.
Gorshkov E. V. forms the independence, initiative, creation, good organization, efficiency, professionalism in pupils. The group of experts drew attention to the pupil’s knowledge and mastering of modern dance technique, the actor’s mastery, dance improvisation, and also the ability to analyze their own work and the work of their friends.
The teacher completely realizes the main program and methodical functions of the additional education’s teacher in the direction of “choreography”, uses creatively the different forms of carrying out of lessons, the means of cognitive activity improvement, develops the interest to the subject and facilitates the forming of modern world outlook.
The results of questioning of the institution’s teachers demonstrate Gorshkov E. V. wins the respect of his colleges. The colleges draw attention to the creative activity and the initiative, high level of capacity for work, having an interest in the children’s dance art development.
The parents point out the high level of organization of work with families (conducting the meetings, open lessons, individual conversations, family studios, excursions). Open lessons for parents, conducting by the teacher, promote the spreading of psychology and pedagogical knowledge of parents, their drawing into the studying and educational process.
On the strength of the above mentioned the group of experts considers the level of the teaching work of Gorshkov E. V. answers the requirements, which places upon the additional education’s teacher of higher qualification category.
Chairman of the group of experts: signature /Parukhina A.N./
Deputy Director in the studying and educational work /MEI/ Municipal Educational Institution / ACHE /Additional Children’s Education /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma
The first qualification category in the post “the chief”
Members of the group of experts:
Teacher of additional education (choreograph) signature /Kotikova L.M./
/MEI/ Municipal Educational Institution
/SFES/ “Secondary full educational school No. 18, Kotlas
Higher qualification category in the post “teacher of additional education”
Teacher of additional education signature /Okrepilova M.A./
/MEI /Municipal Educational Institution /ACHE/
Additional Children’s Education /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma
The first qualification category in the post “teacher of additional education”
Ballet-master teacher /MI/ Municipal Institution signature /Petukhova L.I./
“KCALC” Koryazhma Cultural and Leisure Center, Koryazhma
Head of exemplary ensemble of modern ballroom dance “Mozaika”
Specialist of department of education, Koryazhma signature /Desiatnikova T.G./
The first qualification category
Date of drawing up of the Experts’ report March 20, 2006
Acquainted with the Experts’ report:
March “30”, 2006 signature /Gorshkov E.V./
Seal: Department of Education of Arkhangelsk Regional Administration, Koryazhma * Municipal educational institution of additional children’s education * “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Principle State Registration Number 1022901143022 * General State Classification of Enterprises and Organizations 1403141 * Taxpayer Identification Number 2909003403
Russian Federation
Administration of Arkhangelsk region
EXTRACT FROM ORDER______ __________________
April 26, 2006 Arkhangelsk No. 434
Lenina str. 3-113 Cherepovets
Vologda region Russia 162610
e-mail: theatredomino@mail.ru
Date of birth: 15/10/1974
Nationalyty: Russian
Family status: Married, one son
September, 2002 – June, 2008
Saint–Petersburg University of Humanities and Social Sciences was conferred a degree of Specialist in educational methods of folk artistic creation, Ballet-master and a teacher of modern and jazz dance.
2006 - Confer Higher Qualification Category a teacher of additional education (Order No. 434 from April 26, 2006 of Department of Education and Science Administration of Arkhangelsk region).
2002, 2005 - Contest of Nordic Council of Ministers projects, grant of the program “SLEIPNIR Travel Grants for Professional Artists or practitioners of the Arts in Northwest Russia” – participation in the festival “Full Moon Dance”, Finland.
2006 - Contest of Nordic Council of Ministers projects, grant of the program “SLEIPNIR Travel Grants for Professional Artists or practitioners of the Arts in Northwest Russia”– participation in the festival “OctoberDanse”, Norway.
December, 2007 – June, 2009
Cherepovets Palace of Culture «Severstal» (Cherepovets)
Artistic director, Ballet Master, Teacher of Ballet “Magic”.
September, 1998 – Julie, 2008
Municipal Culture House and House of Child Arts (Koryazhma)
Artistic director, Ballet Master, Teacher of additional education of the dance theatre “Domino”.
according to the appraisal’s results of professional work
of the additional education’s teacher of the
MEI /Municipal Educational Institution / ACHE /Additional Children’s Education /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Korуazhma, Arkhangelsk region.
Gorshkov Evgeny Vladimirovich.
Of the conferment of qualification categories
on the teaching and supervising workers of
educational institutions
1. According to the decision of the Chief Board of Experts (certificate No. 5 from April 26, 2006) to confer for a 5 years period
1.1 Higher qualification category
On Gorshkov - a teacher of additional education of MEI /Municipal Evgeny Vladimirovich Educational Institution / ACHE /Additional Children’s Education/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma
2. Pay the salary to the above-mentioned workers according to the conferred qualification category since April 26, 2006.
Director of department signature Migunov V.M.
Seal: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation * Department of Education and Science of Arkhangelsk Regional Administration * General Department