Date of birth: 17/08/1975
Nationalyty: Russian
Family status: Married, one son
September, 1991 – June, 1995
Kaluga Regional Specialized Higher School of Culture was conferred a degree of Choreographer, Teacher of Choreography.
September, 2003 – Julie, 2007
Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov was conferred a degree of Marketer.
2006 - Confer First Qualification Category a teacher of additional education (Order No. 273 from December 22, 2006 of Department of Education and Science Administration of Arkhangelsk region).
according to the results of expert appraisal of practical work
of the additional education’s teacher of the MEI /Municipal Educational Institution / ACHE /Additional Children’s Education /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”
Gorshkova Yana Alexandrovna.
Gorshkova Yana Alexandrovna, date of birth - 1975, in 1995 she finished the Kaluga Regional Specialized Higher School of Culture (she is a student of the sixth year of Pomor State University named after M. V. Lomonosov). The salary has been paid according to the grade 12 of the /UDOT/ United Distribution of Tariffs since 12. 03. 2004 (holder of the Second (II) qualification grade, order No.19 л/c).
Yana Alexandrovna has been holding the post of the head of the dance theatre “Domino” since 1997; she has been worked at the post of the teacher of additional education since 2002.
Gorshkova Yana Alexandrovna conducts the studying process on the principles of her own author’s educational programme “Modern choreography”, the term of its realization – 7 years; she is the author and the founder of this programme. The age range of students is 5-18 years. Gorshkova Y. A. is the Holder of the Diploma of Regional Competition of Authors’ Programmes of Additional Children’s Education, (2004).
In 2005, 2006 years Yana Alexandrovna was a participant of the projects of competitions of the Nordic Council of Ministries’ programme “Sleipner”, which has been specially created for professional artists. The teacher’s projects where awarded grants for the participation in master-classes in the frame of “Full Moon Dance” International festival in Finland (2005), “Oktoberdanse Festival” in Norway (2006), what facilitates the improvement of professional teacher’s mastery and the mastering of recent choreographic teaching methodics.
The teacher in due time and competently in methods puts her papers, which are necessary for the organization of educational and teaching process, in order; she is an active participant of subject teachers’ meetings and methodics seminars, where she pools her advices with colleges, gives recommendations in the organization of the collective’s practical work.
The teaching skill on the theme: “Acrobatics and Free calisthenics as an effective means of the student’s physical training” was performed by the teacher in the course of interdistrict methodics seminars for supervising workers and teachers of additional education of the southern district of Arkhangelsk region “Providing of availability and quality of additional children’s education in the “House of Children’s Creative Work” on the basis of /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma (November 2006). At the same seminar Yana Alexandrovna conducted the open lesson ”The Rules and the technique of free calisthenics exercises’ performance”.
Gorshkova Yana Alexandrovna completely realizes the main programmed and methodic functions of the teacher of choreography: creatively uses different forms of the lessons’ conducting, methods of cognitive activity improvement, forms the ability to analyze, to appreciate, to draw original conclusions through the participation of students of the association in creative and research laboratories.
Yana Alexandrovna applies necessary methods and the proper content of work in accordance with the level of maturity of students, organizes children’s individual activities on the base of their abilities, bents, their psychological and physiological peculiarities.
To sum up of Yana Alexandrovna’s creative work by stages with the students, the level of professional grounding of the “Domino” theatre’s students is highly appreciated in the collective of the “House of Children’s Creative Work”, in the city and also by members of jury of Russian, International competitions. Participation of the theatre in different festivals facilitates improvement of motivation of student’s cognitive activity, forming the stable professional interests.
The dance theatre “Domino” is a participant of the city, regional festivals of the children’s and youth creative work, carrying out in the city of Koryazhma, the winner and the holder of the Gran Prix competitions-festivals of different levels: Russian festival of modern dance “Lisa”, Saransk, The Mordovia 2005; International festival of children’s creative work “In the world of dance”, Sochi 2005; “Full Moon Dance”, Finland 2005.
High level of the Y. A. Gorshkova’s students grounding is confirmed by invitations to take part in the demonstration appearances, guest programmes of different festivals including the payment for all travelling theater’s expenses: The International dance festival II, Arkhangelsk 2004. Interregional festival of modern choreography “Lisa” Saransk, The Mordovia 2005; Independent festival of modern dance schools “Tants-Akts-i-IA”, Moscow 2005.
The teacher realizes organization of solo concert programmes as the demonstration practical results of the theater’s work: so in 2004 the programme “Commemoration of international Dance Day” (2 days) was organized.
Over the period since 2004 representative video film “Domino” has been created by the dance theatre, which is used for the generalization of teaching skill and for the demonstration of working results. Professional video versions of the Gorshkova’s one-act ballets in Russian and in English languages: 2004-“Virus”, “Organization”, “Is Hot”, 2005-“Sky and Earth”, “Homo sapiens”.
The official collective’s site in the Internet, created with the assistance of producer of the House of Dance from Germany, facilitates the spreading of the theatre’s creative connections geography.
Gorshkova Y. A. forms the independence, initiative, creation, good organization, efficiency among the students. Attention to each individual of the child, ability to combine fundamentally high insistence with consideration and love to her students are typical for this teacher.
Colleges gave the appreciation 4, 4 marks from 5 mark of the Yana Alexandrovna’s professional work through the filling in form “The teacher of AE /Additional Education/ by eyes of colleges”. The results of the questioning of parents have demonstrated the high level of the organization of work with family by the teacher. Conducting by Gorshkova Y. A. open lessons for parents, “family studios”, individual conversations, promote the spreading of psychology and pedagogical knowledge of parents, their drawing into the studying and educational process.
On the strength of the above mentioned the group of experts considers the level of the teaching work of Gorshkova Y. A. answers the requirements, which places upon the additional education’s teacher of the First (I) qualification category.
Chairman of the group of experts: signature /Parukhina A.N./
Deputy Director in the studying and educational work /MEI/ Municipal Educational Institution / ACHE /Additional Children’s Education /HOCHCW/ “House of Children’s Creative Work”, Koryazhma
The First (I) qualification category in the post “the chief”
Members of the group of experts:
Teacher of additional education (ballet-master) signature /Kotikova L.M./
/MEI/ Municipal Educational Institution
/SFES/ “Secondary full educational school No. 18”, Kotlas
Higher qualification category in the post “teacher of additional education”
Ballet-master teacher /MI/ Municipal Institution signature /Petukhova L.I./
“KCALC” “Koryazhma Cultural and Leisure Center”, Koryazhma
Head of exemplary ensemble of modern ballroom dance “Mozaika”
(length of service in the mentioned post-30 years)
Date of drawing up of the Experts’ report December “14”, 2006
He (She) Acquainted with the Experts’ report:
signature / Gorshkova Y.A./
December “15”, 2006
Seal: Administration of Municipal formation “The City of Koryazhma” of Arkhangelsk region * Municipal Educational Institution of additional children’s education * “House of Children’s Creative Work”.